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World photo day

There was a time when taking a photograph of food was seen as a specialist art. Now everyone seems to be doing it.


I do believe that taking really good photographs requires a level of skill I do not possess. But for me the point and click option is enough.


Though at the time waiting for the development of the film was annoying, I can now see that it helped to extend the holiday in a way which instant access images don’t.


The thing was, I could never remember what my shots were actually of. This made opening the newly developed photographs take on that of a surprise gift which I was not sure I was going to fully appreciate.


You got to show your friends and family, to relive the moment thought its retelling to others. This reminiscing and reliving of happy moments, I feel helped to moderate against those more negative thoughts we so often get.


Next time you are feeling down, pick up your phone and peruse your photos. Use the images to help you find your happy place, and if that is sitting in front of a burger and chips, then don’t let me stop you.


What do you like photographing?

The attached pic was just to prove that you can get kids to eat green eggs and ham!

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