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Let's play

You can’t beat a good game of charades.

With everyone sitting around, too full to move, it works well only having to be on your feet for a short time, while trying to get others to come up with the title of a book, film or TV show.

Games consoles with multi player options are another great after dinner social activity.

Sit back and try to hit buzz in before the others, this can be a challenge for those of us with slower reaction times, but we can always get our own back on the youngsters during question rounds.

Twister… Not for one after the main Xmas meal, but fun for a laugh when the kids need to burn off some of those sugary treats.

Puzzle time. Staring at lots of little puzzles pieces can be a nice way to stop you worrying about the amount of mess currently lying all over the floor, in the form of bit of wrapping paper or lolly wrappers.

Cards are one of the most versatile gaming items in your arsenal. Google some games, or replay ones from your youth. Chase the Ace, Old Maid, Strip Jack naked, Black Jack, Rummy etc.

Back yard Cricket, or any game requiring the use of a ball. Throwing, catching, hitting, running are all great ways to burn off those calories and build some great memories.


What do you and your family like to play on Christmas day?

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